1protecting businesses from anyone who might try to "steal" their long - distance telephone service. Branding phone fraud as a nationwide problem costing upwards of $1.2 2OK DUDEZ, THIS IS SOME VERY IMPORTANT1 billion a year, the company said its 2 INFO FROM MR. YUK!1 2AT&T1 NetProtect program gives ------------------------------------- customers the products, services and education they need to combat such From: INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY fraud, as well as protection against Date: Thursday, MAY 14, 1992 financial liability. 2(Erm....sorry, this is aeons old, but1 Long-Distance fraud often takes place 2I'm sure that carders will find this1 when an outsider, say a computer 2piece interesting......... - Polaris)1 hacker, cracks the access codes to a company's private branch exchange, or 3AT&T INTRODUCES PRODUCTS TO FIGHT1 2PBX1 -- an internal phone system that 3PHONE FRAUD1 allows easy access to branch offices ------------------------------------- and major customers. NEW YORK (Reuter)--American Telephone The PBX can then be used to place & Telegraph Co. rolled out a new long-distance or international calls security program yesterday aimed at as if by someone inside the company. The practice,a misdemeanor crime with at no extra charge to prevent fraud. no jail sentence in many states, From Aug. 1, it also will monitor typically is done for monetary gain. international long-distance service The "stolen" service can be sold on to countries experiencing high levels the street, sometimes providing drug of fraud. traffickers with international calls that cannot be traced. An AT&T spokesman declined to disclose the cost for enhanced and "Long - distance fraud is a serious premium services that protect their criminal problem, and we believe AT&T customers from financial liability, should stand squarely with our saying the cost structure has not yet customers against the criminals who been filed with the Federal Com- steal the service," said Joseph munications Commission. Nacchio, president of AT&T's Business Communications Services division. Other packages include a 2$1,9951 software package that alerts AT&T, the long - distance carrier customers to unusual calling patterns created by the 1984 breakup of the and a 2$1501 an hour intervention former Bell telephone system,said its service under which AT&T experts try new program would relieve customers to stop fraud while it is in from liability for the fraud. progress. The company this week began ------------------------------------- monitoring its toll-free 800 service Well if ya liked that info, and are 2Greetz ta:1 really into Phreaking/Hacking/Carding Freejack (Down another case man!) or anything of the sort, then Call... Malachai (Stop playing with the board!:) The Surge (Have another hit!) XTC (Sorry to see you go) XAD (Liked your picture man!!) 3D'YER MAK'ER BBS,2 nodes 908-654-09351 ShockwaveRider(I'll be calling ya board) Sid Vicious (Get me some drugs!) Jaf (Dude where have ya been!!!) ......or should I say, card us at Oli (Give me a ring) 3908-654-0935.1 AXE (Heresy rules! hehe) NOMAD (Thanx for ya vote man!) Cosy (Catch ya on the board) 2D'YER MAK'ER/DESTiNY WHQ!1 ....and another other dudez I forgot! (Gazzer:It's a Ministry HQ now..) Sorry man! D'YER MAK'ER: The Worlds Underground/ 2Fuck offs to:1 Subculture Meeting Place. Xavier Madison (Go fuck yourself!!!) Zelnik (nuf said! hahahahah) .....well sorry, they are the only 2 dicks I know in the scene! 3 _______________ _________________ | \ \ \/ _____| \ | |\ \ \ \ /_ | |\ \1 SysOps: 2MR.YUK1 3 | | \ \ \ \ __| | |/ / _| |_/ __/\ / \_____|_ |\ \1 FREEJACK, MALACHAI 3 |_| |__|_________/___________| |_\___\____________________ |___| | | _|___| | / / _____| \ | | | | |_| | |/ / /_ | |\ \ | | | | _ | / __| | |/ / | |\| | | | | \ \ \_____|_ |\ \ | | |___| | |___| |\___\___________| | \___\ |___|1-OEP 3|___| |___| |___|1 29 0 8 - 6 5 4 - 0 9 3 5 1 Amiga Conf 29 0 8 - 6 5 4 - 9 6 5 41 Console Conf :.·.·.·.·.·.·: 2 NODES, 500 MEGS, 68030/882 - 33 MHZ :·.·.·.·.·.·.: ATX-BBS.NFO N 989898 01-01-00 2 __/\ _____________/|___ ________/\/\ /\ \ \/SP \ / | |/ / \ \/ / / /\ \ / \/ |_/ _ / _/ __/ \\ / / \ \/ / |/ | / \ \ // \ 1 3->X> FREE DOWNLOAD PRESENT <===-\/-=\_/\/--\/1 2Article by1 : 3Mr. Yuk1 CiTY LiMiTS UK HQ +44-695-571014 BY iCE/ATX! 2Clipart by1 : 3Punisher/Eclipse1 760 MB STORE,ELiTE ONLY,ZER0 DAY,AMi-EXP BBS Sent by: /X\aRv,HYDRo,ZiGOR & PoT-NoOo0oDLE!